I (28F) went out with some friends 2 months ago. I met a guy who is friends with my friends (he’s not super close with them though). We ended up sitting next to each other at our group’s table and talking a bit through that night and I thought he was nice and enjoyed my time with him.

The next day my friend told me that she thought he was flirting with me and told me we should date and she would even message him to see if he’s interested. At the time I was anticipating the death of a family member so I was not in the mindset to date. The death happened the next week and I was emotionally and mentally a wreck for a while so I didn’t take my friend up on her offer.

Seeing that a new year is around the corner and I’m doing much better mentally now, is it too late to give it a try now? I haven’t been in any contact with the guy since that night.

I recognize that even if my friend asks the guy, there is no guarantee that he is actually interested or single.

Would it be weird to ask now… 2 months later?

  1. You never know until you try. Worst thing they can say is no.. so I don’t see why not 🤷

  2. If he was flirting with you, he would probably be happy to hear from you assuming he’s still in the market. Men are almost always happy when women express interest in them, especially if you offer an honest explanation for why you didn’t reach out at the time.

    Is there anything you could use as a hook to reconnect, like an event you think he might be interested in based on your conversation? That would be a great way to show him that you remember and enjoyed the night. I know I would be really impressed if someone did that for me.

    Good luck!

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