(A pologies for the s paces, some w ords are not a llowed in c ertain p laces on here, can’t be too c areful.)

Is it w idely b elieved that o   ral s   ex is much less p   erformed on women than it is on men? And if so, how do they a   ccept this and not feel p ut o ff or not feel not as much like a s   exual b   eing?

Knowing that the female i   ntimate a   rea is f ar l ess v   alued and a   ppreciated than the male i   ntimate a   rea.

Also, do m ost women b rush it off as male s   elfishness and not realise that g   ay men are also male yet they c ommonly give o   ral to other men?

I d iscussed this with my p   sychologist (because it b   others me) and she said it’s 5   0   /   5   0 between the g   enders, even in h   ookups. Is she c   orrect?

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