I just wanted to stop in and take a minute to wish you all a happy new year and say you all are doing great! Keep being yourself, yourself is awesome! How’s everyone’s new year?

  1. We’ve spend the day doing groceries and then made a delicious meal to share with family. There were meze’s and meatballs. Then we’ll go for drinks. It’s great.

    Cheers bro!

  2. Honestly, not everyone’s “yourself” is actually all that great. Id say instead, keep working on being self aware and becoming the best version of yourself

  3. I’m highly caffeinated at the airport rn, going back to my gf and my job after spending Christmas with family 🙂 happy new year!

  4. New year hasn’t hit in Iceland yet. 2 hours out.

    Visited a friend, spoke at length about everything and nothing while sharing some beers. Hes new in the country and needed a friend.

    Then spent the rest with my lovely wife playing battleship and a cardgame. Hope your years goes well brother. 😎

  5. I’m feeling a bit sick, but otherwise I’m doing fantastically. I’m in a much better place (internally) than I was last year. I intend to say the same thing next year (minus the sick part)

  6. I’ve got COVID for the first time. I’ve had it since Friday. And I had this past week off. Sigh. Super bummed.

  7. Shitty honestly, there are these people that keep coming and breaking our windows and the neighbors, we have video evidence and photo evidence but the cops simply do not give a damn. We have been waiting for over 5 hours for a cop to show up.

  8. I just lost a 1644-day streak (which is around 4.5 years). If this is an indicator of how 2023 is gonna be for me, then I’m not sure I want to know how the next year’s gonna unfold.

  9. Well, I have my health, so there’s that. Just about the only thing I have left after a really rough year. Hoping 2023 will be better and that I can do what’s needed for it to be better.

  10. I’m at home and not driving drunk. Over 20 years being responsible. I’ll call that a win as lonely as it might be. Better than a prison cell or the guilt of killing innocents.

  11. Thanks. Same to you. And so far so good. Relaxing right now. Gonna go to bed in the next hour or hour and a half. You?

  12. Happy new year to you too bud. Mine is great. I’ve been relaxing and playing some God of War 😊

  13. Chilling out for the moment but eventually I need to follow up on plans for later

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