This is a bit of a long shot as I realise it’s a weird request.

However, I’ve made a friend recently who came over to Scotland for uni, and has since moved down to England for his job. He’s gone back home for Christmas, and while he hasn’t outright stated it, I think he’s probably been feeling a bit homesick, so im wondering, is there anything i can do for him that might make him feel a bit more at home in england?

For example, he mentioned kouign-amann cakes, is there anywhere I could buy one for him? I know that there are expat websites that do boxes for uk people overseas, is there something similar I could look into?

Thank you!

  1. Kouign-amanns are specifically a Breton thing, they’re not even that easy to get elsewhere in France.

    More to the point, he’s here to experience British/Scottish culture. I think you’re better off actually introducing him to nice Scottish comfort food (home-cooked if possible? Otherwise just a nice homely gastropub or something) – and I don’t mean Irn-Bru or deep fried mars bars, I mean something that would break his obnoxious stereotypes about British food and actually help him enjoy Scotland more. That’s a much better cure for homesickness than getting Kouign Amanns.

    And yes, I say that as an English person who used to live in France. The less you get homesick for what you’re used to and embrace the food that’s actually readily available to you, the less homesick you’ll end up.

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