Me and my gf had a small argument ln. Like it last 15 mins over something so stupid and then we slightly made up and then 1.5 hr later she texted me admitting she was at fault and she apologized. Fast forward to now. I can’t stop thinking bout how it shouldn’t have happened and what I should’ve down to nip it once it happened. This is gonna sound stupid but it feels like the end of the world lol she was being very cute and affectionate last night and today she’s alittle busy with fam and hasn’t texted me in a couple of hours and ofc I am overthinking that it’s bc what happened. We had bigger disputes in the past so Ik it’s all gonna be okay but how do I stop letting this be bigger in my head then it actually is .. do I care too much..

  1. All couples fight and this is healthy in moderation. Ultimately, if as a couple you never have a fight, this means one of you is a doormat.

  2. If it’s the first and only time. Then not a big deal. Let it go. If it continues then bounce.

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