Many people I know live there, and i still see many complaining about how things are pricey when they are around 1000 bucks.

  1. it would take me somewhat less than a week to earn that much money at my job that pays me

  2. Earning $1000 is easy, earning enough to spend $1000 on a random item is less so. You have to pay for housing, utilities, car(s), etc

  3. At my current rate of pay, before taxes are taken out, takes about 67 hours. But since taxes and so on are taken out, closer to 85.

  4. A thousand bucks in general? Not all that hard. A grand that you can spend freely? That’s a bit harder.

    I earn several thousand a month and live below my means. A grand for rent is cheap. A grand for a watch is still a purchase I’m gonna research and be careful about.

  5. Thats roughly the median weekly income in the US. Less than median household income, more than an individual.

  6. Very contextual. If you live at home and have no expenses, you can earn and spend $1000 basically instantly in my area. All the stores are hiring at $15/hr+, so a week and a half or so at full time. There’s probably a signing bonus too

    But if you have expenses, housing/etc, that can be expensive, again depending on where you are

  7. Slightly more than a week of work, with taxes and withholdings factored in. But as others have said, earning $1,000 is trivial. Being able to freely spend it without careful consideration is not.

  8. You can easily get close to $1000 in a week with an average paying job (note I said average paying not minimum wage). In two weeks you can absolutely earn $1000 just by working. But then you have money taken out of your paycheck to pay taxes and social security. Then you have your utility bills. And rent. Insurance payments. Basic necessities like food and toiletries. That $1000 of income quickly dwindles down to like $50 of spending money. If that.

  9. I can earn $1000 in 3.5 days. But to earn $1000 that I can spend free and clear would take 2 months. It would be shorter but I’m paying off debt.

  10. 2-3 days. I dont work minimum wage jobs anymore and its hard depending on what you do. People can make thousands in a few minutes in various industries but need skills and certifications to earn such money. Spending 1000 dollars is simply choosing between a new TV or Going to Baja Calfornia for a weekend once a month or two. How far can you stretch 1K

  11. 1000$ isn’t hard to earn, 1000$ isn’t hard to spend either. What can be hard is having 1000$ AFTER all your bills are payed.

  12. It takes me a few days of work, but a thousand dollars is still a lot of money that I’m not going to just spend frivolously. It’s definitely too high a price for a lot of things. Just having the money to spend doesn’t mean the item is worth that much to you.

  13. I earn enough where $1000 shouldn’t be an issue, but I don’t impulsively spend that much. I think you need to grow up with wealth or be wealthy for a long time to be able to freely spend that much. (Grew up poor)

  14. Depends on what your job and pay are. That would be a couple weeks for me so I absolutely cannot spend that amount frivolously, and even for many if not most people who make more, a thousand dollars still isn’t an amount to just go spending without thinking about it. People have bills to pay and even if you’re making five or six k a month, a thousand of that spent on one single thing is still a good chunk of money.

  15. Hard. Imagine making minimum wage. You’ll have to work 150 hours, then taxes get taken out for you to keep $1,000.

  16. On a good week, I can make $1,000 as an Uber driver. But most of that goes to things like food, rent, utilities, gasoline, car maintenance, car payments, and things like that. So having $1,000 sitting around to actually spend is more difficult and would require about a month for me to get so I would consider a $1,000 item to be pricey.

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