Hey, im [19F] and my crush [19M] have been classmates for a few years. I had a crush on him for like 3 years and recently noiticed that he has a crush on me too. We never really talked much but like 6 months ago he started showing signs of interest in school. We were both shy so nothing much happened and when we got into colleges in different cities he started to text me more about how he misses me and wants to spend more time with me. I respond him the same way. But it feels like he only talks like that through texts and is too shy when we actually meet. Then he barely talks, looks bored and wants to go home asap. He only shows affection through messages and never says anything “romantic” in person. When I make plans with him he always agrees, but never puts effort himself. It starts to annoy me because im always the first one to start a conversation and make plans. He goes long periods of time without texting me just because I didnt text first. I understand that he is probably too shy to do it but Im getting tired of it. I really like him, and I feel like we already got to the point where we should feel comfortable around each other, but he still doesnt put any effort.

What should I do? I dont want to be that kind of person who constantly have to make plans and drag him outside. He says nice things to me and I feel like he has a crush on me too. He says how much he misses me, how hard it is for him without me and how much he want to be with me. But he only tells me that through texts, never in person. He says he wants to meet me, but never make actual plans.

At this point, I still love him, but Im tired. Does he really has a crush on me and is too shy to make a move? Or maybe he just likes me as a friend?

TLDR; My crush is too shy to make a move and Im too tired of making plans by myself all the time. He shows signs of interest, but only through texts and never in person

  1. So a little food for thought and a little insight. I had no problem talking to women outgoing romantic showing affection easy as can be multiple women. Then I found that one and it’s like I was awestruck and just knew there was something special about her. And I really took my time it was probably over a month of us dating before I even kissed her on the cheek. Maybe he thinks it’s something special and doesn’t want to move too fast and damage it talk to him, don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions he might be wanting to communicate but unsure how to.

  2. 1922 or 2022? You can make the move . You both will be happier. I was him 40 years ago. Make the move! The only regret are the things not chanced.

  3. Be straight forward and ask him, there’s no point in waiting and a lot of guys are insecure and don’t have strong relationship skills yet.

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