I have thick dark brown hair and it gets greasy even a few hours after washing it. Batiste dry shampoo is a life saver but the bottles run out after about 5 sprays lol does anyone know any other tricks?

  1. Have you had a go at washing it less overall? Sounds like the opposite of a good plan I know, but some thick hair likes to be washed with shampoo only every few days.

  2. – If you wash every day stop. Once, twice a week max. Your hair will go through a gross(er) stage but less washing works for the majority of people.
    – Make sure you are not overusing shampoo or conditioner and you are thoroughly rinsing.
    – Avoid products containing SLS.
    – Do not overuse the dry shampoo, a couple of sprays before bed is best, it’s supposed to be worn overnight.

  3. What are you using at the moment?

    Johnson’s baby shampoo is a brilliant, cheap clarifying shampoo. The own brand conditioners (think Superdrug, wilkos, the basic cheap ones) are quite light and don’t weigh down hair so much compared to the branded ones.

    Might be some trial and error to see what works best but you’ll find your ideal combo 🙂

  4. This will shock you but I wash my hair once or twice a week maximum. Too much shampooing will fuck you up. And for the love of god make sure you are conditioning

  5. i use a silk hair bonnet i bought on amazon to sleep in and it is life changing. because my hair is so thin it used to get greasy the next day when i washed it at night, now i can go to work with 2 day old hair and it still looks the same as if i’d just washed it

  6. I have thick hair brown hair, I switched to baby shampoo a couple of months ago and it’s worked miracles

  7. When I washed my hair with shampoo it would be dry on day 1 then be very greasy on day 2.

    I stopped using shampoo. After a few weeks of greasy hair it settled down to being very slightly greasy, which was far better and I never went back to using shampoo.

  8. When you condition your hair, try not to do your roots. I’ve started doing this and I can get 2 days before washing. I find it really helps

  9. Is it just on the crown? I had this once, ended up washing and washing (which makes it worse), but found out it was some form of stress-related acne. Only went away when the stress went away

  10. This is an odd one, because of affordability, but get your hair cut very regularly. Don’t let it grow past a certain stage. Also dont put weight on. Feel good about yourself, and hey presto the hair should just take care of itself👍

  11. Firstly everybody will tell you that you should “train your hair”. Frankly this is bullshit and doesn’t work by itself and will lead to discomfort scalp problems and possibly even hair loss from a clogged up scalp. What you do need to do is wash your hair properly. Unfortunately this will not necessarily be CHEAP.

    [First of all this is a good video for shampooing techniques (the guy is a bit annoying though, sorry about that) ](https://youtu.be/4xPhCnhyZnc)

    Secondly, most cheap/high street shampoos don’t actually work that well to WASH your scalp. A lot of them have a formulation that makes them bubble up loads to make you think it’s washing your hair properly, but it’s not. Suds do not necessarily equal clean hair. For some people, it works fine, but for those of us with oily scalps, we need a higher quality, and unfortunately, it is more expensive, shampoo.

    I recently started using this [this one](https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/larry-king-hair-care-a-social-life-for-your-hair/13319473.html?affil=thggpsad&switchcurrency=GBP&shippingcountry=GB&variation=13347507&gclid=CjwKCAiAkrWdBhBkEiwAZ9cdcJ1n6UwMfugfo2ukkeupWAtbV6FXoidl8BIQYK5ZhYQAbdOPe-fTOBoCGiYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) with the abovr techniques, and I’ve been able to g from having to wash my hair every other day to stretching it out between 3-4 days with one use of dry shampoo (and I have been attempting to “train my hair” with cheaper shampoos for years) My scalp was always itchy but without any dandruff and this shampoo completely got rid of that

    Also, diet can have some effect on oil production. Make sure you’re drinking lots of water and try to minimise high fat/processed foods and it should reduce oil production a little bit

  12. I used to have very greasy hair and an irritated scalp so I have a shorter hair cut and stopped washing it, I rinse it thoroughly in the shower, but I have found that after 2 to 3 weeks of not washing it, It sorts itself out. It’s not for everyone, but worth a try.

  13. My mum suggested talcum powder when I could get dry shampoo. It’s what they used in the sixties (apprently), and very similar to dry shampoos.

    It worked…. but you do have a bit of a grey tinge to your roots until you brush. I have very dark hair snd if I use too much it looks like I’m going grey.

    It’s lot, lot cheaper (I use a body puff to apply it to stop it clumping in one area).

  14. You mentioned using a lot of conditioner, I grew my hair out during lockdown and developed the same habit, then discovered 8 second wonder water my L’Oréal. It vanishes tangles somehow and it’s so much lighter on my hair than traditional conditioners, plus you only use it on the lengths so it keeps your scalp cleaner

  15. Batiste is basically talcum powder. Save your money, sprinkle some talc on your brush/comb and comb it through your hair. Give it a good brush to get rid of the residue and voila, same result.

  16. I have a naturally very greasy head. Being strict about only washing twice a week really helped. Also I really massage the shampoo into my scalp for a good 5 mins, making sure I get it really clean at the roots. I’ve also started using the Inkylist scalp exfoliator once a week and can definitely notice a difference in how fresh my scalp is and therefore less build up and grease.

  17. Don’t wash your hair with shampoo or conditioner more than 4 times in a fortnight.

    Try using a clove water and rosemary solution for one wash a week and spraying some onto dry hair 12-15 times a month.

    This has worked well for friends with greasy hair.

  18. this costs little to nothing, hope it helps

    Stop conditioning more than twice a week. On the days you don’t condition, put a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water. Use this as your final rinse.

    The silk bonnets are great.

  19. You are washing too much and using the ompong products by the sounds of it. Inbetween washes I pat talc into my scalp then brush it out. Also check your hair brushes are clean and that there’s not softener on your hair towel!

  20. Out of interest, is the skin on your face super oily too? My hair gets very oily very quickly but my face does too, and that’s genetics so not sure much can be done about that!

  21. This worked wonders for me: cleaning my hair brushes properly. Remove any hair after each use and then maybe twice a week I’ll scrub the hairbrush using baby shampoo. Otherwise you’re just brushing your hair with old product buildup! Lots of great tips in this thread though so best of luck to you!

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