Is it normal that my girlfriend always bites me because I’m too cute? She just can’t handle it.

  1. ahh damn im so sorry dude but this actually means that shes cheating on you :/

    the guilt makes her bite.

  2. Sometimes us women find something so cute that we want to crush it, squeeze it, clench your fists, or I guess bite. It’s just a way to release the energy build up of finding something so incredibly cute. If you don’t like it just tell her to find another way to express her feelings.

  3. I had one girl that did this to me in our relationship and I liked it so much I adopted it myself in future relationships LOL obviously it’s light though, i don’t like hickeys

  4. I bite my boyfriend all the time. I just find him to be unreasonably adorable. Sometimes I just look at him and then I’m just like, “yeah, I’ll have a little nom.” Always gently though.

  5. The cute and the aggressive are next to each other in our brains, its how you get “so cute I could squeeze you to death” and is fairly normal.

    Its a little odd, but Unless it hurts when she does I don’t see an issue here

  6. 🤣 okayy, i mean why not? I don’t see the problem. If she biting making you bleed she a cannibal so be careful. You never know. 🤷‍♀️

  7. Shit is is cute when a girl bites a guy; imagine if a guy bites a girl, the next Hannibal Lecter!

  8. Your girl is “suffering” from something that is called cute aggression 🙂 I as well can’t hold myself from my girl because of this aggression at least she is enjoying it 🥹

  9. Add some chili oil to your face. Boom, either you become a bit too spicy or your skin will become inflamed and you won’t be cute anymore.

    You’re welcome.

  10. i do this to my bf. i looked it up and it’s cute aggression. something is just so fucking cute you gotta bite it

  11. My ex started doing the same thing, unfortunately we split up cause she wouldn’t want to go outside with the sun out and she kept rambling about the dangers of garlic, go figure

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