Long story short, there’s a coworker that’s leaving next week and I think she’s pretty cool.

I wouldn’t consider us friends outside of work, we socialize at work but that’s it. I’m not really looking to date her or become super involved in her life, but I would hate to lose contact cause she seems like a genuinely sweet person and I’d like to keep in touch.

What’s the best way to approach her about getting her Instagram or something? I feel like asking for her number is too personal, but since pretty much everyone has Instagram it doesn’t seem too weird right?

Sorry if this is a dumb question. I’m young and kind of puzzled.

  1. nah not weird, i think you should just tell her that you wanna stay friends/acquaintances after she leaves because she’s a dope person and ask if you can add her on one of her socials

  2. When I was younger my dad told me he was very successful at getting women when he went to the disco, so I asked him how he would ask women for their phone numbers. He said, “I fucked them, I didn’t call them. I had a girlfriend.” Different world, I guess.

  3. If you’re my husband? “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But here’s my Facebook, so add me maybe?”

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