I (F26) recently started dating a (M40). We met off of an app. This guy is everything I have been asking for. I am extremely attracted to him. He checks off all of my boxes. I’ve been having major anxiety about starting a new relationship ever since we hung out for the first time. As these things never end up well for me. How do I stop being so anxious? I haven’t told him everything about past relationships. We have only both shared a little bit. I have a bad history of being in toxic relationships or being used. I think everyone that comes into my life is going to hurt me or leave me. For instance, I haven’t heard from him in 24 hours but he has a demanding job and works long shifts. I’m sure everything is fine. In the back of my head though I’m assuming he’s not interested anymore. Which I doubt is the case as he’s said he is going to keep me around. How do I stop overthinking little things like that?

1 comment
  1. i think maybe sharing some about your past (if you are comfortable) and conveying that you would like reassurance can go a long way. hopefully, he will be willing to communicate with you about why it is important to you. if he feels the same way you do about him, i think he would be happy to do this 🙂 relationship anxiety, or anxiety about anything, takes time to overcome. be patient with yourself <3

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