I jokingly asked if he thinks I am fat and he said I am too slim. And I asked if he thinks I am sexy and he said you’re too thin. And I asked does that mean you think I’m not sexy. And he said well yeah you are too thin.

I am about to lose it. I think he’s being very mean and never says anything nice. Honestly I sometimes wonder what keeps me with him. He shows no interest in me and my hobbies and we are also very different in many ways. I don’t know even if I want an advice or just want to share. But how would you react if your 4 year partner tells you something like this? I like how slim I am. I don’t want to gain weight. I wouldn’t do that for anyone… And I also find it mean thing to say. Why is he with me if I am not sexy… And if he doesn’t compliment me I can guess that he doesn’t find any other good things in me either. WDYT?

tl;dr my bf (29m) told me (28f) I was not sexy since I’m too thin. How would you react to words like this?

  1. Instead of asking, “Why is he with me?”, you should be asking, “Why am I with him?”

    He sounds like an ass.

  2. Drop this fuck yard immediately and find a real partner who will love you no matter what (and have the common sense to never say something like this).

  3. Have you reread your previous posts about this guy? Why are you with him?

    Side note- don’t ask questions you don’t really want answers to. Fishing for compliments rarely works out how you want. You’re either spoiling for a fight or hoping he’ll say something nice to avoid said fight.

  4. You’re literally with a guy who doesn’t want to have sex with you. That was 2 years ago. And he doesn’t find you attractive apparently. So you’re with someone who isn’t really into you at all. You probably are only staying with him because you think you won’t do any better. Just guessing. But trust me there’s loads of guys out there who will pleasure you well and find you attractive and will love you with all their heart. Come on. You need a wake up call. Leave him now.

  5. Sounds like you’ve fished for confidence compliments from your boyfriend and haven’t received them.

    On the one hand that’s bloody hurtful and you shouldn’t be with anyone who thinks that way.

    However, it might very well be possible that you are too thin. We’d need a picture to confirm but we’ve got to be straight with ourselves here.. too many people are looking for emotional cushions because of low self esteem and unfortunately, don’t resolve issues, whatever they maybe.

  6. Quick story. When I met my partner, she’d just been dumped by a guy who told her “she didn’t have enough meat on her bones.” He’s crazy because she’s smoking hot! But, I prefer petite women. Everyone’s tastes are different.

    My point? I think you need to end it with your bf. Either he’s telling you you’re not sexy to manipulate you, or he’s not attracted to you. Either is a deal killer and the longer you wait to end it, the more of your life you waste with the wrong guy.

    There are plenty of guys out there that would love to be with a thin woman.

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