I don’t like the idea of sending a dick pic to a woman who asked for it because I don’t like seeing it in a pic.

I’ve always thought I had a decent dick. It’s longer than average, and it’s very typical in its proportions. I’m happy with my dick during sex, and I have no problem looking at it when I piss.

A woman who already sent me nudes of herself asked for me to send her a dick pic. (I know her nudes are really of her because she posed in specific ways I asked her to pose.) So I just took my first pic ever, and I really don’t like seeing the pic.

Has any other guy experienced this?

I will **not** be sending the pic out to random strangers so don’t ask. I will immediately block you.

  1. It’s probably because it’s new and uncomfortable. I’m the same way. Typically when I get asked I’ll take a few different pictures, different angles or what not until I’m satisfied.

  2. Well yeah I hate it cause it’s average, looks very small in pics, and my foreskin was stolen so my head is dry and cracked. I only sent it to a guy cause he seemed into me and he said he wanted more but maybe he was being nice.

  3. I wrote this in another thread on the topic and will repeat it here:

    Taking and sharing nude selfies is so disproportionately associated with women’s sexuality and objectification (and I mean that in the dual senses of word: both as a consensual, self-determined pleasure as well as an unwanted, exhausting expectation) that men are often startled when they are reminded that they too can participate in this form of digitized intimacy. It’s as natural for your girlfriend to want to see a photo of your dick as it is for you to want to see a photo of her standing naked in front of a bathroom mirror.

    So, if you are going to not only enjoy women’s nudes but ask them for specific poses that turn you, then you need to understand that reciprocity is expected. That is to say, if you want to enjoy the genuine pleasures of (consensually) objectifying another person, be prepared to enjoy objectifying yourself, too.

  4. I think mine looks better in person and I suck at photography so my angles and lighting always suck. So no, I don’t really like it. But I’ve started to experiment with them on reddit to gain confidence and that has made me not feel as bad about them

  5. Im the same, like im not self concious of my wiener but i just dont feel any angle is flattering lmao

  6. No face
    No balls
    Shaft and tip only

    And for God sakes don’t take a dic pic while sitting on the toilet. The toilet should never be in the picture

    And make sure you’re all trimmed up

  7. It’d probably be worth it to look at it from a more… artistic? academic? photo critique lens.

    Do you want to convey or evoke something other than “here is a penis”? Are the different elements of the image (composition, angle, lighting, color, foreground and background elements, having contrast in the right places, environmental storytelling, etc) helping to convey that?

    A picture can be a deeply aesthetic experience or the blandest, most *blegh* thing ever depending on how it’s executed

  8. I’ve always hated sending that bullshit. Which is why I never ask for nudes. I don’t want to be asked to send that in return 💀

  9. This is why I have several already taken from the proper angles, showing abs, etc.. if we’re sexting I don’t want to fumble around with my dick and the phone to take a pic, I resend one already taken properly.

    Takes practice just like everything, take several, change the lighting (Don’t use flash) and take them until you’re happy with how it looks.

  10. I have never and will never be stupid enough to send a dick pic. Some things are meant for the privacy of the bedroom.

  11. Fuck yeah, bro. Totally normal to be self-conscious about your dick. All the girls who’ve seen it have loved my dick. I’m still shy af about the thing.

    I’m sure your cock is beautiful, king. Love you, go tear up some pussy.

  12. I don’t find anything attractive about a penis or a vagina. I hate that my husband wants vagina pictures and I don’t want him to send me dicks. I think it’s normal to have other preferences. I mean men’s forearm and hands are a hellalot sexier in my book 😊

  13. No I’m proud of my dick! It is big, long, thick! The only problem is I’m not ripped. I am honestly, kinda skinny, so I got this hog hooked up to a slim frame. My last gf was like “damn, why do skinny dudes have the biggest dicks?” Lol, idk, I guess my body just directs testosterone to my cock. I’d take an inch off the tip to bulk up on the body!

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