Often my friends say that they are interested in this person or that person even when they are with someone. Does this happen with everyone ? Also how inclined do you feel to cheat on your partner ?

  1. When I’m with someone, I’m not interested in other men. I don’t have a “back-up” guy or think about any opportunities that I’m missing. I just… don’t care about any of that.

  2. Never flirt with others. Joke as might with anyone. But never interested in flirting.

  3. I would never flirt with someone else. I’ve been in very long relationships, and you do occasionally get crushes. The most I have ever done is follow someone online. There’s no urge to cheat. If anything, there’s a lot of guilt about even having thoughts about anyone else.

  4. Other people don’t stop being attractive just because you’re in a relationship. As long as the partner is aware of the flirting and has expressed their boundaries with it and those boundaries are respected, who cares. Too many people equate sex/sexual feelings with love and that’s why y’all end up hurt more often than not, haha.

  5. My husband and I are both flirty people, so the sort of open ended, silly, playful flirting that isn’t going to go anywhere is fine. We’re open about it and both enjoy the other being flirted with, too.

    It’s not a sin or a crime to find other people attractive while in a long term relationship, and if you’re secure enough in your love and devotion for one another, I don’t think a little harmless flirting is going to do any damage. I personally like it when women flirt with my husband – gives him an ego boost and makes me feel good too, because hell yeah ladies he’s hot, have at it. At the end of the day he’s going to be naked in bed with me, not them, so I don’t see the harm.

  6. 0% just today I went to the gas station and the clerk was trying to flirt with me and I was so confused 😅😅

  7. I wouldn’t, I would find that really inappropriate. I wouldn’t want my partner to disrespect me like that.

  8. 0% if I’m in a happy fulfilling relationship. Can’t actually see if another person is attractive, it’s like I’m wearing a blindfold haha

  9. I won’t flirt, but that doesn’t mean other people won’t interpret my actions as flirting.

  10. I would flirt etc. I practice ethical non monogamy so it’s not cheating.

    I would never cheat on any of my partners. No, non monogamy is not cheating, if everyone is aware and consents.

  11. There is no chance of flirting or anything that would be unfaithful while I am in a relationship. Granted I am always nice unless given a reason not to be and some people mistake it as flirting. However I also don’t feel any attraction to someone besides the single person I’m in a relationship with. Don’t have any crushes on celebrities, friends i would be with if only we were both single, or any of that sorta stuff and this isn’t always a good thing as I can get very attached early on and breakups are painful.

  12. 12 years and counting. I never had the need to even look at another man. But I gues it also depends on the dinamics. I would honestly break thing off with him if I ever felt I wanted to be with simeone else. Seems only fair to me.

  13. 0%

    Together 15 years, I’ve worked away from home a lot and could have cheated any time I wanted. No repercussions because there was no crossover of my personal / work / geographic life. Except it never even crossed my mind.

    I have playfully flirted with male gay friends of mine because we were being idiots together, but I have never flirted with anyone in a serious manner.

  14. **Zero. None. Non-existent.**

    Adonis himself could be flirting with me and I’d just leave. Once I’m in a serious relationship, no one, but absolutely no one, is more attractive than my partner. I always get mad when people are telling me feeling attracted to others while in a relationship is normal behaviour.

    **NO**. You’ve got consciousness. You’re not an animal, so you don’t rely on instincts. Flirting with other people is cheating, even if it doesn’t lead to anything physical. Imo, people who flirt with others while in a serious relationship are only seeking validation. They’re feeding their ego.

    Moreover, once you’re enamoured of someone, you are no longer able to see other people. Literally. There’s only one person and that’s your partner (if you’re in a monogamous relationship ofc).

  15. 0%. It’s natural to find other people attractive, you don’t stop having eyes because you’re in a relationship but if you act on it then that’s a different story. Obviously every relationship is different but if you’re in a monogamous relationship where both parties have said that flirting is off the table then I would view flirting as cheating.

  16. Very slim, as I find other peoples advances off putting as it means they dont respect my love for the person I sm relationship with.

  17. I definitely noticed attractive people but I was always appropriate.

    I use the Dr Phil definition of cheating: Would you do the same thing if your partner was standing right there? Are you getting a need met by another person that you should be getting met by your partner?

  18. I have a flirty personality so I flirt with my partner, my friends, my pets, but it’s very much a built-in feature. Friends are all coupled up and it’s how I’ve always been so doesn’t make any difference to us. In any case, the probability of me being *interested* in someone other than my partner is 0. And I am very cautious to shut down my flirty side with anyone who may interpret it as interest, mostly due to burning my fingers on that in the past.
    My partner is the best thing ever and I have absolutely no desire or want to cheat, nor put myself in a position where it would be possible to cheat. I do not consider anyone else an option whatsoever, my man is mine and I want to be with him forever.
    Most people do not go around longing for someone else, or “keeping their options open” when in a committed monogamous relationship. Some do, yes, those are shitty people, but most do not.

  19. I think going into a relationship you know if the person you are with is flirty. If I flirted with another, while in a relationship it wouldn’t be right, because it’s not my norm.

    I have friends however that are both really flirty and they knew that going into the relationship, so it’s their norm and acceptable.

  20. Mr. WineAndDogs2020 and I flirt with each other all the time. No urge to do it with someone else.

  21. I love flirting! My partner doesn’t care. We have a great relationship between us!

    Flirting is surface level banter! To each their own. If my partner was bothered, he might not be the right person for me.

  22. I’m a huge flirt. Though I’ve acknowledge that it is wrong to do so while in a relationship. Only because if I found out my partner was flirting all hell would break loose. So, I can’t have one expectation for my partner and not follow it myself. Every relationship is different so it’s important to talk about the dos and donts of the relationship.

    And despite my flirtatious ways, I’ve never felt the need to cheat. If I feel the urge to be with someone else I would simply try to figure out why with my partner and/or just break up with them.

  23. Finding other people I see attractive? Yeah, of course. Actually flirting with them? No. I almost flirted by impulse once and I felt incredibly guilty and bad about it lol

  24. As someone who struggles to commit to anything in general but is somehow extremely loyal to my s/o, I do have thoughts but at the end of the day what matters is that loyalty.

    I’ve said “oh, I kind of like this person” before, while finishing that thought with “but I know it’s a silly crush that will eventually go away.”

    And it always does when you’re with the right person. When you finally found your person you know what’s temporary and what’s long-lasting imo,

  25. Not zero, but why on Earth would I disrespect my partner’s feelings when I know I will feel terrible too if it happens to me?

  26. I lightly flirt with people all the time, my partner knows this, I have never had the urge to cheat on him and I never will.

    This might be considered cheating in other relationships, but we’ve discussed it and it’s not cheating in ours.

  27. Interested in implies something further than flirting. That’s much more aligned with intent to cheat/pursuing. I can’t say I’ve ever been interested in pursuing someone else while in a committed relationship.

  28. I have never ever felt inclined to cheat on my partner. He means the world to me. However, we started dating from a very young age (16 and 17) so I never really got to explore my sexuality which is something I think about sometimes. I wouldn’t change it for the world tho, I love him

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