similar question was asked 10 years ago here [\_would\_you\_feel\_if\_your\_husband\_wanted\_to\_use/](

  1. As a hypothetical, yeah no, I’d tap out of any relationship where a guy viewed women like that and was happy to treat one as a rentable incubator to preserve my body.

    Holy misogynistic clusterfuck Batman.

  2. I would feel happy, mostly because I’m afraid of the health risks associated with pregnancy: UTI’s, high blood pressure, increased chance of blood clots, and post-partum depression.
    But if they only wanted a surrogate so that a I wouldn’t gain weight or have stretch marks/C-section scars, I think that would be a red flag, and a sign that they only see me as an object.

  3. No way. I want to enjoy every part of motherhood, including pregnancy. Watching another woman go through that instead would be heartbreaking for me.

    If I find out I can’t when the time comes, we’ll adopt instead.

  4. If I was going to make this decision to have a child, I’d want to do the whole thing myself. If I could not do that, I’d adopt one instead.

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