Last night, my husband and I with a bunch of family and friends are outside doing some fireworks. My husband decided to start messing with me and pointed a lit Roman candle at me, specifically at my face at a distance of about 4-5 feet. I understand there’s a period of time between each fire and he is generally a guy who knows what he’s doing but things go wrong. I’m really upset, what if it had gone off, hit me and hurt me somehow even if it wasn’t serious. He’s my husband, I guess it hurt my feelings that he would do something that could hurt me even a little bit, let alone the possibility that it could hit me square in the face doing serious damage to my eye(s) or landing in my hair, I mean realistically is COULD seriously scar me – on my FACE.

I will add this was not something he would normally do and we were having a great night, I think he just got carried away with friends and family but it definitely bothered me.

  1. Your feelings are totally valid. I’m not sure why you need reddit to approve your valid feelings.

  2. It should.

    Have a conversation about safety and expectations during a calm time.

    If it happens again. Immediately turn and walk away. Don’t humour bad behaviour.

  3. You’re not over reacting. When heads are cool, let him know how much it disturbed you.

  4. Have him volunteer in an ER/ED for a few evenings. A great place to see the results of ‘just being funny, honey’.

  5. I’m going to guess your idiot was drunk as I hope he wasn’t sober or of the right mind at the time. If he was that’s a lot scarier issue to deal with. I would have a talk with him now that hopefully, he’s sobered up and in the right mind to have a serious talk. Then tell him what he did and explain to him no more alcohol and fireworks (anything else that can hurt or kill someone or destroy your property) for now on.

    Then do a quick google search of all the videos of why you shouldn’t play with fireworks while drunk and how fucking lucky he has you in one piece right now instead of in the hospital or worse.

    There’s no excuse for what he did and he needs to understand it’s not a joke or acceptable to ever do it again.

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