During sex i cant stay hard because i grip my dick too hard when i masturbate and i go way too fast. Something sex cant replicate. It is very frustrating and discouraging. Is there a way to fix this any advice would be helpful!

  1. Masturbate way less, and when you do just stick to a very light touch. That will probably mean you don’t orgasm, and you have to just let that be okay. Your brain and body really want to orgasm, so over time (maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of months) you will resensitize to the light touch and start to cum from it.

  2. As some have said, try to stop masturbating so often and if you do, not with a death grip lol

  3. Had the same thing happen. Took three months of no masturbation to bring things back. The longer you death grip for the longer it will take. And it can eventually become permanent through nerve damage. It’s like playing your earbuds at full possible volume for months on death metal, then trying to listen to faint sounds.

    Also, porn gives you massive visual stimulus. Let’s say you’re into watching cumshots or girls orgasming. You can see it happen multiple times a minute in a porn vid. Your brain gets acclimated to that level of stimulation and it’s not repeatable in the real world.

  4. Had this exact same problem when I first started having sex after 10 years of excessive masturbating. As mentioned, you just need to quit masturbation for a while, preferably cold-turkey. After a week or two, your body will be fighting for a chance to ejaculate and your dick will become more sensitive. It took me around 3-4 weeks to fix this and once I did, I have had no issues orgasming from sex since.

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