I am so bad at approaching women, I’m awkward and generally spend most of my time alone. Anyways this girl showed up at this disc golf course I live by. She had her own disc cart and everything. For whatever reason, I said something to get her attention through the loud ass wind and we chatted it up for a while. I told her I live around here and she ended up getting my number and texting me. She had to work at early so we chatted for a bit then we split ways. I don’t know if anything will come of it, but it felt good to meet someone in person, especially someone who loves disc golf like me. She didn’t text me back yet, I have no idea if I should try to proceed as friends or tell her I think she’s cute and ask her out. I’d almost rather not risk it and keep my new disc golf friend. Thoughts?

  1. If you like her romantically, ask her out. The friends thing you can keep as a backup in case she is not interested in that, but wants to hang out in a group or something.

  2. Woman here: I can’t talk in the name of ALL women of course, but I’m talking rather in a stereotype that is mostly true. Women are approached left and right a lot by a lot of cringe ones too. We love confident men, not push nor desperate ones. At this stage in your shoe I would not force it from the get go. Chill out and just be genuinely curious about who she is. If you manage to have nice, laidback conversations with her face to face, one day just casually mention, whether she’d be up for a drink or a walk. And that’s all. Be confident in yourself and don’t overthink it. I know it’s easier said than done…good luck!

  3. do NOT ask her out and tell her she’s cute. don’t be weird. just text her on a day you’re gonna go disc golfing and invite her. View her as someone you want to get to know more and enjoy disc golfing with her. the rest will come, maybe

  4. I’d proceed like she’s a new disc golfing friend and invite her out to throw a few rounds together. That way its a low pressure way to chat and if you like each other it could kind of be a date too. Then you’ll see if there’s enough in common to invite her out someplace else. If sparks don’t fly then that’s just another for the friend group.

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