What can i do to improve my social skills at my job and become less awkward and more confident?

  1. Actively listen to others- don’t listen just to reply. Listen to understand, and ask questions which value others opinions. Be sincere, bullshit is very transparent. Don’t feel the need to fill silence with words. Give others credit when it is due. Don’t constantly try to “one up” people in a conversation. At work- dont speak up unless your adding value. Don’t be a jerk.

  2. I noticed that addressing something awkward yourself releases some tension. Like after you say something weird or didnt find a proper response in time, you can just say how small talk isnt your strong suit or something. Its also likely that it became awkward because you are not into that topic. Going meta and talking about talking can be a good transition to a new topic

  3. There’s nothing wrong with being a little awkward in social situations. I’ve even seen extroverts being awkward like this. It’s natural

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