I really don’t care what size you are, dude.

As long as your are loving and holding me and helping me raise and protect my kid and any future kids, you don’t even need to have a dick, honestly.

So why do so many men think if a woman leaves them or stays with them it’s got to do with size?

  1. I have enough experience to know that some women care a lot, some women care a little, and some women don’t care at all.

    You’re in the third category – which is great – but don’t try to speak for all women.

  2. Because a lot of women’s go to when they start insulting men is saying their pp is too small.

  3. Habibi. Trust me you don’t want a toothpick in your life . I mean sure 5-4 if you’re average it’s fine there are other ways to please a girl but less then that it’s even gonna be difficult for having a child

  4. A big dick isn’t needed, but I am not going to lie – watching a woman’s reaction to one when she sees it the first time is really fun.

  5. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter period. Also, not everyone is looking for a long term relationship

  6. Women do care. You might not care. Just like I don’t care for blowjobs but I’m not retarded enough to walk around going “Why do women think guys like blowjobs? I don’t really like getting my dick sucked.”

    Just because you don’t need a large penis to provide a satisfying sexual experience, it doesn’t mean they “don’t care”. It’s kind of a fox and grapes situations, if you know what I mean.

  7. Men and women are taught that a large dick determines a man’s worth in society. At least in the United States. I have never read a romance novel that doesn’t describe a man’s junk as small unless the interaction was negative through the lens of the main character. I have never seen a movie or a show where a small dick wasn’t laughed at and the larger one didn’t get a positive response in that same piece. People who get mad at douchey politicians, celebrities, guys with big trucks, etc. theorize that they have small dicks. I mean look at the lyrics for WAP (good song btw) or the phrase “big dick energy” when describing a great person. I do believe that men care more. I just don’t believe that it’s inherently their fault or that women care that much less than men. I believe that a lot of people, men and women, desire having either a man with a larger penis or having one attached to their body because of what a lot of mainstream media displays as the standard. I also believe that every single human has their own preference. I have mine. I love bigger Caucasian women. They get shamed too and we all know why. I don’t care though. Having a smaller than average penis is just something people use as a shame tactic when they know someone has one or think someone is being an asshole. I’m 6.8” and I still would love if my penis was larger just so people wouldn’t judge me negatively. At the end of the day, just being a decent person is all that matters.

  8. Most don’t but some do. A girl I dated in college wanted to and did measure it, so it does happen.

  9. Thank you for informing us you don’t care by coming on here and tell us you don’t care.

    I think I speak for everyone here at AskMen when I say that we don’t care that you don’t care.

  10. For the same reason I don’t stand thrusting in the middle of the Grand Canyon. Friction feels good.

  11. “I don’t really care what size you are dude”

    Do you speak for all women?

    If not, we don’t care what you care about.

  12. Modern relationship norms. A common social observation is that many women have different guys for different things including that guy they want a physical relationship with. The one they chase and all guys want to be that guy. They want to be the guy that gives you the “butterflies” not your disposal utility guy. That insecurity tends to manifest to finding a reason like dick size. Hell your post screams Im looking for that disposal utility guy. Finding the balance between the two is almost a lost art at this point.

  13. The problem is when you say something like, “you don’t even need to have a dick, honestly” what a lot of men hear isn’t “size doesn’t matter.” What they hear is “sex doesn’t matter” or “sex isn’t a priority for me.” Which to most men would be a pretty big problem. If women really feel this, the better approach would be to socialize how sexually satisfying women find other activities than PIV sex.

  14. Do you even enjoy sex? Women who don’t probably don’t care, but I’ve read about women who like sex being not satisfied and leaving the partners with a small dick or cheating on them.
    The whole society has accepted that making fun of penis size is good and acceptable.

  15. > As long as your are loving and holding me and helping me raise and protect my kid and any future kids, you don’t even need to have a dick, honestly.

    Seriously? You’d settle for a life-size Ken doll for a husband? 🤣

    Anyway… that’s nice for you, really, but you don’t speak for all women.

    > So why do so many men think if a woman leaves them or stays with them it’s got to do with size?

    Because sometimes that *is* one of the reasons. It’s shallow and immature, to be sure, but it still happens. Men and women alike leave their partners for all kinds of stupid reasons.

  16. Because you don’t speak for all women.

    There are women who don’t have a height preference, but there are also women who do.

    As far as Dick size it’s the same. Having a bigger Dick is just more useful than not. You have more options of positions and stuff. You can always not go in all the way if it’s too big but you can’t just magically get bigger if you aren’t big enough for something. On top of that, it’s a status thing. I’ve been part of enough “girl talk” to know that women like to brag about their man having a big Dick. Whether that is because it’s more pleasurable or not is irrelevant. Guys view it as a status symbol as well for this reason. We have phrases like “big Dick energy” and whatnot.

  17. I hope they care! Keeping cordial relations with your ex has merits, this is how I found out that I “have only two good features” my dick and my hair. Im going to take that as a compliment but I think Im hurting a little.

  18. When I deal with arrogant size queens, I usually ask if they have a pretty labia, does the rest of their vagina look attractive and tight.

    That ends the conversation.

  19. We need to start shaming women for this weirdo shit. “Let me measure the circumference of your vagina please!” Could you imagine? Some ed gein shit

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