If you could have one more day with a late loved one, how would you spend it?

  1. My grandma loved to just stay home doing crochet and watching tv. I’d just do that with her while talking.

  2. My dad died when I was little. So I’d like one day to ask him all the questions that girls are supposed to ask their dads.

  3. I’d take my dad to do an escape room with me. He was a detective for most of his life and he gave me his love for mysteries/puzzles. He passed away before they got popular and I’ve always wished I could do one with him. Then we’d spend the rest of the day on the porch talking about life. We’d trade whatever books we’d recently finished and recommend movies/tv shows to each other. If I could choose the weather too we’d have a beautiful summer lightning storm to watch. I really miss him.

  4. I would put my head in her lap, and we would spend it watching a Guiding Light Marathon. My happiest memories were her absently playing with my hair while she watched her “stories”.

  5. I’d introduce my Nanny to my kids, tell her how much I love her, and just spend the day listening to her talk, and laugh, and sing.

  6. I would spend the day asking my mom things while we had lunch and just walked around.

    What’s her favorite memory of her mom?
    What does she remember about her grandparents?
    What does she want for me in the future?
    What was her favorite game as a kid?
    Can she write me a letter to read when I’m sad?
    How did she handle guilt she felt after losing her mom?
    I would talk her ear off.

  7. I’d go get my hair and nails done with my mom. Ideally I’d get to introduce her to my husband. They never met. I’d love to see them interact.

  8. It would be my grandpa. He was more of a father to me than my actual dad, and he was the sweetest, most joyful man I ever knew. I would definitely make sure he gets to meet my husband, because sadly, he never got that opportunity. The three of us would fly kites, sing made-up songs, and I would ask him so many questions. We would also have ice cream together, and go on a boat together.

    Man, just the thought is making me actually cry. I wish he got to meet my husband so bad, because he would always tell me, “You’re going to be a beautiful, wonderful woman one day, and I know you’ll find a wonderful husband”.

  9. Depends, are they the age they are when the passed or the age that they are now? If it was age when passed I’d choose my grandma and I’d watch wheel of fortune with her while talking about where I ended up and what happened after she passed. If it’s the age they would be now, I’d choose my older brother. I’d want to find out what he would be like. I’m the black sheep out of my family, would he have been like me? Made life easier for me? Or would he be like the rest?

  10. Oh my goodness wonderful question. It would be with my grandma. I am assuming she is healthy in this fantasy. We would sit at the table and paint. We would eat cucumbers and sour cream and drink tea with honey. I would read her the poem I wrote about her. She loved to garden. I’d watch her garden and try to learn. Maybe go to the zoo or arboretum together. I would apologize to her a million times. She deserved better at the end. I would tell her I love her a billion times. I would hold her hand and hug her as often as I could. I wouldn’t sleep. I would take so many pictures of her. I have so, so few pictures of her. I would tell her thank you for all the amazing memories. Ok I’m crying now. Thank you for asking and reading.

    Edit: added some details after I stopped crying.

  11. Just sitting on her couch talking to her like I always did. She sat in her favorite arm chair and we just talked about anything that popped into our heads.

    She was an old lady living two houses from us. She used to babysit kids in the neighborhood after school for payment. I was the last child in her care but I was the only one that kept visiting her way into my adulthood until she passed away some years ago.

  12. My grandpa used to let me ride his ATV’s when I was a kid. I’d do that with him for awhile and then just talk to him about anything and everything.

  13. I’ll fly my aunt over here so she could spend time with us. I’ll ask her to teach me a traditional family recipe. I’ll show her how to build a snowman and invite her to make snow angels with me. She’d say no (it’s too cold). But I’d like to see childlike wonder in her eyes. (She’s never seen/experienced snow before). I’ll play her a song on my guitar and show her the very same one that she and my grandmother conspired to get me nearly 22 years ago now.

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