And if you don’t know what it is feel free to ask.

  1. Dr. Who is pretty popular and definitely well known here.

    I used to like it but grew out of watching it.

  2. The most recent seasons were meh, and I am cautiously looking forward to the return of David Tennant with this year’s anniversary special.

  3. Never watched it. It has a niche following of people who seem very passionate about it, but I’m not that into sci-fi

  4. I used to watch it, but after suffering through Donna (I don’t think Katherine Tate is funny) and getting bored with Clara I just stopped watching or caring just before Capaldi came in.

  5. I’ve never watched it. The clips I’ve seen don’t look too interesting to me, which is weird because I’m quite the scifi nerd

  6. It’s not something I find appealing, and I like sci-fi films and shows. I’ve just never gotten into it.

  7. The original run was a cult favorite here, it tended to air late nights on public television. I enjoyed it but I was the only one I knew who watched it.

    The one-shot McGann(?) special was an absolute flop.

    The Eccleston/Tenant reboot really seemed to catch on mainstream to a degree that I would not have expected but the fad faded. I was huge into it but fell off somewhere in Capaldi’s run.

  8. Annoying girl I went to school with wouldn’t shut up about it and now I am permanently biased against it

  9. I’ve been watching Doctor Who since the mid 80s. My grandmother would watch it while she babysat me. My favorite Doctor is Tom Baker and I also like the 5th Doctor, Peter Davison, and the 7th, Sylvester McCoy. My favorite companions are Romana II, and Sarah Jane Smith. My favorite villan is The Captain from The Pirate Planet. My favorite Master is Anthony Ainley. I do not like the Daleks, they’re annoying, but I do like Davros. I prefer the Cybermen.

  10. I watched a few episodes with a friend who’s a big fan, but it didn’t hook me enough to continue on my own. Edit: This was the Christopher Eccleston era, and I did like his performance.

  11. Eh, its alright. My wife got into it back when it rebooted in 2005 and I watched a fair bit of it with her. It’s a bit too whimsical and silly for me.

  12. I know of the reference from BoJack Horseman but have no opinion on it because I have never seen it.

  13. Huge fan. I can have a Who inspired tattoo. Think they did Jodie dirty, but curious to see what happens now RTD is back.

  14. My wife has seen every episode that it’s possible to see. We have shelves full of Doctor Who books. She has published Doctor Who fanfic in hardback. She owns a Dalek t-shirt.

    I’ve only seen a few episodes, and I find most of them cringey. I did like “Blink”, though.

  15. Never seen it, Originally assumed it was just another hospital drama. Eventually learned the actual premise which does sound kinda interesting, still haven’t watched it though

  16. I was kind of into it, but I had an annoying friend who was WAAAAY into it, and I was somewhat driven off

    I’m sure she’s overjoyed that Tennant is back

  17. It’s good, I like it a lot but I find the Doctor to be hypocritical. He judges people harshly for shooting / attacking bad guys. At the same time he will use his sonic screwdriver to kill thousands by damaging life support or sending them back out to space.

  18. It’s okay of a show. The fan-base here in the US is probably quite different than the audience is in Britain

  19. I watched Eccleston through the first season or two of Capaldi. I mostly did it because what I had heard about the War Doctor story was fascinating and made me want to know more about that universe. My thoughts:

    1. For such a stalwart of a show, it is unbelievable how inconsistent its quality is. It ranges from bad soap opera to blockbuster film (both in terms of writing and production)
    1. It spends too much time on melodramatic nonsense and not enough on world building
    1. Capaldi’s very dick-ish, very alien-ish Doctor turned me off the series and I’ve had no interest in going back
    1. Tennant was incredible. His companions the exact opposite
    1. They have some really cool ideas (the Weeping Angels, for example) but spend way too many episodes on lame monsters or repetitive villains and stories. I really wished they would focus more on coherent multi-episode arcs. More akin to how Andor handled it this year where they basically did 3 3-episode arcs. It would let them focus more on the story and less on creating weird villains over and over and over.
    1. The War Doctor arc was every bit as interesting as I had hoped and John Hurt was terrific.

    tl;dr: I mostly liked what I watched, but the inconsistency and Capaldi turned me off the series and I probably won’t return to it.

  20. It seemed pretty popular here in the David Tennant and Matt Smith era. I haven’t heard much about it since then, but I’m interested to hear that Tennant is back temporarily!

  21. I watched every season of the revival starting with Eccleston until Whitaker. The writing took a serious nosedive when Chibnall took over and Whitaker’s doctor didn’t feel like she came into her own at all.

    Capaldi was my personal favorite.

  22. My sister loves it my wife is a fan, it’s alright imo, not like I’m gonna tune in to watch it specifically but wint turn it off if it’s on. I can definitely see its influence in quite a few american shows.

  23. Growing up a kid on my soccer team would read Dr. Who books when he was not playing (which was exactly one half of the game). He would sit on his mom’s lap while doing so. We were 13 or 14 at the time.

    I have never had any desire to read the books after witnessing what I saw. No desire to see the TV show.

    Clarification: this kid was on our soccer team. He would read the books during the game. He would do so sitting on his mother’s lap.

  24. I think a lot of people know what it is but I don’t think it’s as popular as it’s fans will tell you it is.

  25. I watched that show a lot with my family when I was younger, but also my family is from the UK.

  26. I’ve watched for years, loved the reruns on PBS when I was a kid. K-9 was my favorite character.

    Still on the search for a good quality weeping angel statue for my garden.

  27. I know these teeth…

    But in all seriousness I’m *very* surprised at the number of people here claiming to have never heard of it. Never seeing it is one thing, fine, but it’s been running since 1963, it’s older than Star Trek for God’s sake, how have you not *heard* of Dr. Who?

    Also if you’re under 30 there’s a strong chance you know/knew one or more Whovians.

  28. I know the bare minimum, but my husband says “David Ten Inch (yeah you get it) is the most amazing mix of dry British humor and incredibly clever writing with lots of historical/literary references that anyone who has read more than 3 books would love.
    Matt Smith is the perfect old on the inside yet young on the outside. Peter Capaldi is the perfect young on the inside but old on the outside.
    The American in me says no other doctor needs any words.
    Ohhh…and Billie Piper boobs!”

  29. 9 was OK. I think Christopher just had a darker take on the Doctor, but Rose was pretty awesome. Big fan of 10 and 11. David and Matt – not sure I can pick a fav. I really wasn’t into 12… I didn’t like the meaner take on the Doctor that Peter had, although he improved over his run. I was really excited to see Jodie, but the writers dropped the ball. Hard. I’ve convinced she should have / could have been a most excellent doctor, if the writers had done a better job.

    Since they started back up with 9, all the companions have been great – with Tate being a highlight.

    My cycling emergency bracelet (emergency info) has the inspirational quote “Don’t Blink”

    And…. I’ll leave with this. Missy. Missy was one of my favorites. Hey Missy, your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, hey Missy!

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