I’m currently 27(m) in the UK and I’m looking to expand my social circle as I basically don’t have any friends anymore since leaving uni in 2018. I did have a close group of friends throughout school but I drifted away from them whilst I was at uni and since finishing uni I never speak to them now. I also had a few friends at uni but they all live in different cities or even countries in a few cases.

Whilst I am pretty introverted and enjoy my own time, I do often feel lonely and want to form some sort of social circle, ideally I’d like to find a girlfriend too but I know I need to make smaller steps first.

Anyways, I’m looking to join some clubs to help find some likeminded people (and get me out of the house) but I’m not really sure which ones tend to have people my age. In terms of my interests, generally I enjoy Running, Badminton, Football (albeit I’m rubbish so wouldn’t join a club), gaming, reading, board games and cocktail making.

I live in a small town just outside of a big city (Bristol) but the majority of people are older here so I do worry about joining a Badminton club for example and finding that everyone there is in their 60s.

I was just looking for advice on what types of clubs/activities are good to meet people my age and also whether I will need to look at joining clubs in the city to meet my age group? I’d much prefer to stay local for convenience but may be narrowing my target group.

  1. If you like running, try Hashing. Looks like a damn good time. I’d take it up if my knees weren’t shot.

  2. To meet girls: yoga, dance classes (eg salsa), gymnastics, circus arts. Your goal should be to be the only straight guy in the room which puts the odds fully in your favor. Invite everyone from class out for drinks / food after class. Eventually you’ll find a circle of regulars to hang out with, including a girlfriend.

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