Me and my gf are looking for lube to use as all the ones we have tried seem to give her a burning sensation anyone have a good suggestion

  1. Try to find a water based, silicone free lubricant?

    If you have already, try to read lube labels and see if there are common ingredients you can try to avoid in future purchases?

    If the sensation is centralized around the opening of the vagina she could be getting micro tears (maybe being lubed up makes you guys go at it too quickly and she can’t stretch to accommodate). try slowing down a bit or applying more lube during sex if she starts to dry up.

  2. There are also some other “oily” lubes maybe these work better? They are mostly meant for anal and you need much less… I think the best way is just to test some dofferent options and maybe go to a shop and ask them what options they have
    Does she have the same problem with condoms? They also have a lube

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