I know personality is also a factor, but people don’t truly know your personality until after a week or two. If you watched Drake & Josh, you’ll see a difference between how the two guys are treated. When Drake walks into a studio, one of the ladies says after he’s impressed by the interior: “Do you like this place?”. He replied: “Do you like me?”. They responded favorably.

Josh wouldn’t get the same treatment if he was overweight. Everyone had a different vibe of Josh when he lost weight. No longer the goofy, butt of all jokes, teddy bear. Now handsome, quirky and popular.

Plus, I don’t approach girls if they’re not showing interest. I have to wait until they are winking or smiling in my direction to tell they have a good chance of liking me. That’s what happened with the last person I got the number from. She wasn’t showing interest before I talked to her, that lead to a dead texting route.

1 comment
  1. Looks always play a role but that doesn’t mean you can’t find success. It just means you have to be willing to put up with more rejection.

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