What are a variety of workouts that will quickly eliminate any man’s Hank Hill ass without embarrassing theirselves at the gym?

  1. Deep squats, leg curls and extensions, if you are easily embarrassed you might want to do them when the gym is not too busy. Squats can make you fart, or even vomit.

  2. I don’t do them, but I’ve heard hip thrusts lead to great ass. Maybe I should add them to the routine?

    Straight bar deadlifts to, haven’t seen those mentioned yet. Look for exercises that activate the glutes. Weighted step ups as well

  3. How Hank Hill are we talking? You can squat and lunge (I prefer reverse lunge) with no weight or holding onto something if necessary for single leg. If you’ve really never worked it, you can also at home start on all fours and extend your leg all the way behind you. That will isolate the butt muscles. Stair machine is good too

  4. I dunno if it’s my long legs or what, but for me squats never did anything. It felt like most of the work was done by quads. But what has worked great for me is classic xc skiing. I reckon a stepper would work too if you don’t have snow.

  5. Low bar squats, Sumo deadlift, and hip thrusts. All with as much weight as you can handle for 6-8 reps.

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