It started with the idea of me being with another girl. But then eventually turned into me being with anyone, including another guy.

He has encouraged me to look for people previously.

The idea sounds fun and intriguing. I would be lying if I didn’t say it wasn’t. But especially when it comes to another guy, I don’t know if he is serious and just trying to get me in a trap if I said yes.


  1. It’s not great to assume that he is playing some sort of game. I would take him at his word if you’re comfortable with what he’s suggesting. If he does end up trying to turn it around on you, then the relationship wasn’t built to last in the first place.

  2. Open relationships are a known thing. I can’t promise that he’s serious about it, but there’s people who are. I’m in one.

    Ask what he imagines the future looking like if you do it and go from there.

  3. Open relationship require massive amounts of communication. Start there. Talk about what you both imagine it could look like, what you hope to gain, what makes you concerned. Read books about it. Discuss what you’ve read and how it impacts all of the stuff you discussed previously. Keep talking until you’re both comfortable. Then prepare to make mistakes and discuss all that too.

  4. If your uncomfortable don’t do it. If you want to try then go for it. But fantasy and reality are vastly different, and may implode the entire relationship. Or maybe he’s gonna use it as an excuse to talk to other woman, maybe he already is and wants to make it “equal”.

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