1st no I will not confess to this person – bc: she is my best friend and is currently having to deal with her abusive relatives (I can’t help much other than comforting her and giving advice and just trying to help her stay positive). I DO NOT want to air that attraction to her bc she is very vulnerable right now and has had a relationship before in which her best friend wanted to be a boyfriend and she couldn’t be in a relationship (didn’t want to + family). So it would likely hurt her, since it would seem as if I only cared for her because of romantic attractions (which is wrong).

So I do not intend to confess because her happiness is more important than a potential relationship.

So now I ask if there are HEALTHY ways to lose my feelings. I do not want to distance myself from her just to lose feelings, as that would rip one pillar of support away from her just so that I wouldn’t have to worry about the issue anymore. But I also know that just trying to completely deny these feelings doesn’t help either.

TL;DR: Don’t want to confess, as it would be harmful to her – how to healthily lose feelings for her?

1 comment
  1. She is currently saving money to be able to afford to live away from home – I told her to store the money somewhere her parents cannot access it, so that they can’t control her. Her father is good to her insofar that he doesn’t abuse her but he also cannot handle the situation alone. One of her older brothers has punched her and insulted her for her beliefs that were different from her families religion. She had eating problems due to stress – before having to vomit, now overeating.

    She also told me to not tell others, so this is anonymous. I cannot tell any of my friends that she hasn’t already told about it. If I were to try to get my guardians to intervene the abuse may be worse.

    So I do not want to risk hurting her, even if it wouldn’t hurt too hard, as she is 1) my friend and 2) in a very stressful situation.

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