Basically I met a girl like 2 years ago And we have been together until Nov 2021. When she cheated and left me broken I made her my everything I literally couldn’t stop thinking of her every single day. After that I was into a deppresion phase for 6 months. When I opened n met a girl in Oct and we are now dating. I csnt get over her everything my new gf says reminds me of her. The way she speaks the way she thinks I can’t. I’m fucking up and I brought her a bunch of times and I think it’s ruining it I need help I can’t ask for therapy because of my fuckinf parents

  1. I used to think of all the bad times, and the times that I questioned the relationship. I dated a girl that reminded me of an ex, that’s when I realised that I needed a break to sort my head out. It was hard but I just focussed on other stuff and kept busy. It took me 5 years to get over her my ex, but I wasn’t thinking about her all the time. I just thought I’d made a mistake. But I accepted that I couldn’t go back and just looked at what the future could hold. When I met new people I thought about her less and less

  2. I don’t know if it makes you better, but I still love my ex and I still suffer everyday, even though it’s been 6 years and he has a new girlfriend

  3. Getting cheated on is a trauma in itself. I have been too and it’s taken me so many years to get over it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Give yourself time to fully heal then go back go out there (:

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