As a Vietnamese myself! I have always heard a lot of people said that RFA and VOA Vietnamese are political bias because ” communism bad, no democracy, no multiple party ” . Everyone argue about does it Vietnam have democracy or not. Many Vietnamese in US are seen a lots of these news and thought that in Vietnam are bad, no liberty and more. I just want to make sure that I don’t effected too much of many media platform

  1. I know very little about Vietnam’s politics. I know that like many Asian countries, they have severe issues with human and animal rights, infrastructure, and corruption.

    I have no interest in visiting Vietnam because of the rights issues, even if places look stunningly beautiful.

  2. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I heard anything about Vietnam in the news.

  3. A lot of people from South Vietnam came to the USA as refugees after the war ended, so they would have the most negative view of modern Vietnam. Their situation is highly analogous to the Cubans who fled to Florida after the Castro takeover.

    The 2nd and 3rd generation of Vietnamese-Americans (who are born and raised in the States) might have a different view than their parents, or they might have the same one. It will depend on the person.

    As for the rest of America, it depends. There are Vietnam war veterans who are now elderly who think that Vietnam is an evil place, but others hold no grudges. My uncle doesn’t regard the place negatively, but you couldn’t pay him enough money to visit it today. The trauma is just too great for him. But there have also been Vietnam veterans have gone there on holiday and have great love and respect for the country and people.

    Those specific groups aside, the average American’s view of Vietnam is going to be all over the place. Some will regard the place as a hellhole simply by virtue of it being communist. Others will regard it as not much different from its neighbors (Laos, etc.).

    I think a lot of Americans respect the Vietnamese people. You guys fought off the Japanese, the French, the Americans, and the Chinese, all in a row. It doesn’t get much tougher than that. And in terms of foreign policy, some of us want America to buddy up to Vietnam, because China is getting pretty big for its britches, and we’d much rather that you guys were on our side than on theirs.

  4. Honestly, the only thing I think of when someone says anything about Vietnam is food.

    The US got involved in the Vietnam conflict over 50 years ago and it was the least popular intervention with an international affair we’ve been a part of in terms of public support. 50 years later: it’s not industrious like Japan, threatening like China, or a partner like South Korea. In the public eye, Vietnam inhabits a place of mediocrity with the rest of the countries in that region

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