My parents are Great people my dad a huge introvert which I might be but my mom a social butterfly. Both loved me and would and will do anything for me. But I can’t get over the me being 15 stage where it’s awkward infront of my parents.. it’s hard to talk to them and it makes them sad I don’t have a close relationship with them. Like my mom literally cries that our relationship isn’t close even though I live 8 houses down. I just can’t seem to be comfortable infront of them. I don’t wanna make sad anymore but what could be the underlying cause of this? Am I just fucked up

  1. You expect it would somehow go wrong if you get close to them, but remember, our expectations are many many times wrong… You won’t know what will happen until you do and act: “Action brings clarity.”

    Try getting close to them for 2 days or 3, hang out with them, go to places with them, ask them questions about the past for example, about how they feel about certain things… Try it and see how it goes… Do it to know…

  2. Hey I don’t have advice for you just want you to know you’re not alone. Both my parents are pretty socially anxious as well so when we get together it’s just a very awkward time, and I feel even more awkard knowing they’re feeling awkward too. Makes me dread doing it even though they’re good people and generally just want the best for me. I get no enjoyment out of it and it just feels like an obligation or chore. It’s sad

  3. I also find that sometimes my parents want to be closer to me than I would like to. There is a big difference in our goals in life. My parents would like spend a lot of time with me, but I have my own goals in life and therefore I often have to prioritize them. I still think our relationship is important however. I always call them on the weekend. I think it’s helpful to be predictable with your communication. It’s kinda of like making commitment to hangout with your friends on a regular basis.

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