I am a sophomore this year and first semester just finished and I really put some thought to my friends right now and they are very manipulative and toxic. I want to make new friends but I just have a lot of trouble beacuse everyone in my grade thinks that I’m gay beacuse my friends are girls and I’m a guy but a lot of the guys in my school are rude and annoying.

I used to be friends with almost everyone in elementary/middle school untill my friend group at the time started to be mean and plan things infront of me and not invite me so I disconnected from them and my current friend group took me in and now everyone thinks I’m gay.

I have trouble making friends with guys now beacuse alot of them are rude and jerks and I just don’t want to be made fun of more than I am already. I am friends with afew guys at my school already so should I hangout with them more and try to hangout with their friends and expand my friends that way and should I just stop talking to my current friends or how should I discount from them and what if I disconnect from them too early and then have no friends.

  1. Yeah stop talking to your toxic friends, and be friends with the nice ones and try to expand by being friends with there friends. How many friends are in ur friend group btw and how do you make friends? I don’t even have any ;(

  2. Can you mention more about the trouble because everyone in your grade thinks you’re gay? Is it trouble because you can’t hang out with guys as much, or because it’s harder to connect with a girl, or something else?

    Or is the label “gay” used as a way to exclude people in your school?

  3. I would encourage you to stay away from people who don’t treat you well.

    Look at your school and consider what clubs or groups you can join, or consider groups outside of your school.

    I strongly encouraged my children to join some form of martial arts. Which one doesn’t matter, whichever is easiest to get to. But knowing that you don’t have to put up with any shit from anyone changes the way you are treated by everyone.

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