Tl;dr: I was hanging out with this guy who I had serious feelings for. He told me he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship yet wanted to be fwb. I pretended like I was okay with this. Nevertheless he later started dating someone else for 3 months. They broke up and after that we continued to hang out. But obviously I wasn’t taking it as serious anymore. I have now gotten really busy with school as well as personal issues, so it’s hard for me to hang out. He is constantly asking me to hang out but I don’t feel like I owe him anything since he wants to be FWB.

So I (22F) met a guy (25M) from my university subreddit last year. We met up for drinks and got along pretty well. After this, we only ever hung out in my dorm. We would have pretty deep conversation and make out. He was pretty nervous to have sex so we didn’t actually do this right away.

This was pretty foreign to me. I’m used to dealing with guys who only want to hook up and clearly see me as an object. They usually aren’t interested in even talking or getting to know me, and some of them won’t even cuddle me afterwards. So it was pretty nice to have someone that I could talk to about my life and we could just hang out and be intimate without it being about sex. It made me realize that I deserved more than the fuckboys I had previously been with. At the time I thought maybe this could turn into something more serious.

At some point we talked about our relationship. He talked about how he doesn’t want to seriously date anyone until he graduates. He said that we are in our early 20s and university is the time to experiment and not be tied down. I was scared to communicate my true feelings so I acted like I felt the same. He mentioned that he was happy just being “friends who have sex sometimes”.

We hung out a few more times, but after a couple months, I got pretty busy with school and didn’t really contact him much. But at the end of the term, once I finished my exams, I asked him if he wanted to hang out. He told me “sorry but I’m actually dating someone right now”. Obviously I was kinda upset about this. He told me he didn’t want to date anyone until after he graduated. He told me he just wanted to be friends who have sex. Yet he was now in a serious relationship with some other girl?? Why was he lying to me?? Clearly it was something wrong with me that made him not want a relationship. I was pretty bummed but for some reason I told him “okay, let me know if anything changes”.

They dated for a total of three months and one day me messaged me saying he was about to break up with his girlfriend. He told me that he realized they just weren’t compatible. He just lost interest in her and couldn’t see himself dating her any longer. It also seemed like he was trying to play to my ego by saying I was way hotter than her and he had a lot more fun with me.

I really did enjoy hanging out with him but after this I realized there’s no way we could ever have a serious relationship. Especially considering he just dumped this girl for someone “hotter”. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same to me down the line?

Despite this, we still hung out periodically for the rest of the year whenever I needed some stress relief or someone to talk to. But I never took it seriously. He ended up graduating and moved back home (he now lives 1 hour away from our school). However I still had one more year left of school.

I’m in my last year right now. As well, this entire semester (past 4 months) he has been asking me to hang out. I know he has been pretty depressed since graduating and he mentioned that he could really use someone to talk to. He wants to come visit me at school and sleep over and hang out. However I have really been dealing with a lot this year. My grandpa passed away, plus my mom was in the hospital and almost died. As well, I am really prioritizing my grades so that I can get into the program I want. Additionally, I’m trying to prioritize creating meaningful friendships over dating because in my experience romantic relationships won’t last very long.

Overall, I just haven’t been prioritizing hanging out with this guy. Yet me messages me constantly asking how I am doing and wanting to hang out. It would be nice to have a night of stress relief and maybe see him one day. But ultimately I just haven’t had time and it’s not a priority. I don’t feel like I owe him anything especially since he told me he “just wants to be friends who have sex”. Yet he still constantly asks me to hang out.

1 comment
  1. Tbh, it sounds like this dude was just using you for a little side action while he was in school. You deserve better than that. It’s clear that he’s not really interested in a serious relationship, so I wouldn’t waste your time trying to make something happen with him. It’s not your responsibility to be his emotional support system, especially if he’s not offering you the same in return. You’ve got your own stuff going on, so don’t feel like you owe him anything. Just focus on taking care of yourself and finding someone who treats you right.

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