Hello, I’m a high schooler and you saw the title. I’m miserable, everyone even my own friends keep looking down on me. Some do it in a indirect way but that doesn’t matter, I’ve become rly depressed with feeling like I’m below everyone else. At school I’m the “dumb funny loser friend” everyone keeps pointing out my insecurities and it doesn’t help that I’m an overthinker so those comments stick with me for days, weeks even months or years. When Christmas break is over I’m so close to just turning off my personality so that they have almost nothing to get me on. I’d do everything to stop feeling like I’m below everyone and bcs of that feeling that I’m below when someone’s in a rly shitty situation I’m happy because I’m finally above someone. That’s toxic af and I know and hate it but I just want to feel loved and excepted. So should I just turn of my personality and ignore everyone? If not, what should I do?

  1. The big issue here is your depression. Some schools have counselling programs available for students for free. If there is, avail yourself of them.

    The other issue is that you are surrounded by assholes.

    This is an important question “are you depressed, or just surrounded by assholes” the answer can be “yes both”

    You have two more years to wait that out. As an adult, you have much more control over who you surround yourself with.

    But in the meantime, first I would encourage you to think about groups you can get involved with, even outside of school, where there are people who appreciate you for your self.

    And look at joining a martial arts group. Because people are far less likely to be disrespectful when you start carrying yourself as someone who can, and will defend yourself.

    Last thing to remember is that people are only mean to others because they feel bad about themselves and want to bring you down in order to not feel quite so bad about themselves.

  2. Can you talk to your family about it? I would suggest finding hobbies or interests, that are separate from all these assholes, source and channel your anger and sadness and intensity through these hobbies or interests and let them a become a world of your own. This will help you understand that the people that you happen to have to gone to an institution to in your teens are not at all what reality is and at some point you’ll realise those laughable and insignificant they are. Your really likely to meet sensitive and cool people after high school, most of the people I’ve met hated high school. Don’t talk about the things you love and enjoy to these people. Another idea of to write satirical comedy novels or sketches about these people and don’t see them as any meaningful connection to your reality. Also being powerful in sports or rock climbing or hiking is a cool way to transcend over this

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