I am 23 bf is 25 been together 2 years. Lately I’ve noticed my boyfriend doesn’t want me around. Ever since the start of our relationship he’d pick me up , I’d pack a little bag and I’d stay a few days. He was always sad to see me go and it was never enough time together. We moved in together for a year and things were tough basic fights and money issues. We were both so stressed out. My dad , who was already sick’s condition worsened. so at the end of our lease I moved back home to be with him ( and because rent is really expensive) . I work from home and my parents internet sucks so I work from my boyfriends house occasionally. Same deal as before but now it’s like he’s so eager for me to leave. He complains about coming to get me. He hardly spends time with me. We do cuddle for a while when he does spend time with me but there’s always the feeling that he really does not want me around anymore. I left something over his house and said I might have to come look for it and he huffed. I have a really strong urge to just go away for a while. I guess we can still text but I think I’ll just pull away for maybe 2 weeks or longer. His birthday is coming up so I can’t miss that. He always says nothing is wrong when I ask. I don’t really have another relationship talk in me. Im too busy and stressed by life. I feel unwanted and I’ve never been one to go where I’m not wanted. I can have tunnel vision because I am an avoidant attachment style kinda person but I’ve healed that for this relationship. Should I just back way off ?

TLDR boyfriend used to love having me around. Then we moved in together for a year and I went to stay with my sick dad afterwards. Now he doesn’t want me around and is very eager for me to leave sometimes. Thinking about just going semi ghost for a while we can text and I’ll go to his birthday but I won’t make an effort to see him. I’ve tried talking he always says nothing is wrong. I don’t even want to talk about it. I’m way too stressed with life. I feel unwanted and I’ve never been one to go where I’m not wanted. Should I just back way off ?

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