My (24F) and my bf (24 m) have a very healthy relationship.(we are long distance at the moment) He is Heterosexual and always claims to be, he typically jokes around with his guy friends and “flirts” with them because supposedly that’s how guys are. He’s also a very kind person and is always trying to uplift people btw. (I don’t know why I found that important to mention. )

Anyways, he took an off guard pic of one of his homosexual friends at work, and posted it on his Snapchat captioning “ he’s just there looking all cute” along those lines…

I’m just confused?
I asked him about it and told him it bothered me, and he said he wouldn’t do it again. But like? Is this normal behavior or grounds to be mad about.

  1. I am not sure how far he is taking it, but personally I will flirt with my friends out of fun. I am completely straight I am just so comfortable with it that I don’t mind doing so!

  2. I mean it sounds like your bf is comfortable enough in his masculinity that he is no problems complimenting his friends

    I think you’re looking too much into it

  3. As a guy, I can say that with my friends, we are all very homosexual towards each other as a big joke. It is how we are. I cannot say that is the same for all guys, but to me, that seems like normal behavior

  4. It’s normal behaviour between men, unless they’re kissing each other there’s nothing to worry about

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