I feel like I can’t talk to someone without them saying “no more lampposts” to me when I few months ago, I said I hit a lamppost while I was riding my scooter but I only said that to cover up removing a scar on my face. I laugh it off but it’s getting to me especially when it’s infront of other people I feel embarrassed. More people did it but now only one is still coming up with it when I go past with my scooter after work.

  1. Hit the lamp post again. That’ll get ‘em talking.
    Seriously, they probably don’t realize they’re embarrassing you. I know I wouldn’t find it embarrassing. If you don’t like it and want them to stop just tell them that’s enough.

  2. They probably had a really good laugh about it and when they see you it’s the first thing that comes to mind. Probably should be endearing but it’s not having the effect they want.

  3. I’d try to laugh with them or set a boundary. Laughing at it will hopefully make it go away, and if it doesn’t, then at least they will think you handle mistakes with grace. If these people don’t respect your boundaries, they might see it as a weakpoint and poke at you more knowing it affects you. People in my group used to make fun of me for embarrassing shit I did, but stopped when I agreed with them that it was silly of me. Own the lamp post! Tell them no more lamp posts because you’ve set your sights to bigger goals, like hitting a billboard or building. You couldn’t see the lamp post because of astigmatism, but you also can’t see the haters. Sarcasm is your friend.

    I understand it’s not easy to just swerve around people trying to embarrass you, but this is what I would do. It’s either you set a boundary and tell them you’re uncomfortable, or you turn it around and laugh with them so then you don’t feel laughed at.

  4. By bringing it up and joking about it, you signaled to them that’s it’s ok to joke about it. And because it’s such an unusual story, unfortunately you’ll have trouble putting this genie back in the bottle.

  5. They might bring it up because they think you find it funny and they may also find it funny as well. By mentioning they are trying to connect with you over a shared experience (something funny.)
    They likely don’t know you feel embarrassed.

  6. Answer with, “Yes. I’ve made mistakes….” The “haven’t you?” Part can be said with a long pause, direct eye contact, pulling your shoulders back and standing tall. Stare down the person who says this. They will blink and look away.

    Don’t respond to bullies. You don’t have to justify your actions. If you have to repeat this exercise, find other friends.

  7. Look at it this way , that one person that is still saying that to you is doing so because they feel that is a connection to you and are doing it out of a sense of camaraderie. Iin other words , just like you, they are seeking validation . My advice is to roll with the punches and have fun , maybe say something goofy like “ I’m actually aiming for fire hydrants this time around “ It’s also a good time to quite anchorman and just say “I love lamp”

    Or if silly humour is not your thing just smile and say “oh yeah, learned that lesson the hard way “

  8. Fuck one goat and ur always a goat fucker
    -my late uncle bill, whenever I asked a similar question

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