My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months. He is amazing and is everything I look for in a man and partner except one problem. He has a “girl best friend”. That’s not inherently a problem, but when they first met 4 years ago he had feelings for her. She’s a serial dater and has had boyfriends pretty much the entire time they’ve been friends. They get lunch together every once in a while and hangout quite a bit in groups. I’ve met her and she’s definitely the snakey type. Before we were dating I asked why they never got together and she said “the timings just never worked out” which is such a weird thing to say when she has a boyfriend. I had a pretty serious talk with him about it and of course he was so reassuring on how much he likes me and that he doesn’t like her and it was 4 years ago. I’m just struggling with feeling like he will always like her but gave up because she’s never single. Because they’ve been friends for 4 years and nothing has happened I don’t feel it’s my place to tell him not to hangout with her and I don’t wanna be that girl. Side note: when having the convo he said she’s “too high maintenance” as one of the reasons he doesn’t like her like that which I thought was really weird.

TLDR: not sure what to do about my bfs “girl best friend” he’s liked before

1 comment
  1. I’m friends with a girl like this.

    They are the most entertaining person I know. They would also be nightmare fuel to be with or take seriously. “High-maintenance” would be the kindest way to say that.

    Ground rules of not hanging out with her solo would be fair. I wouldn’t even do that to myself though.

    This type of human would go after your bf after that breakup simply because she can’t have him if she’s similar.

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