When did you notice that your boobs were getting saggy?

  1. When I first started developing boobs. They’ve never been perky. So when I was like 10/11.

  2. When I lost 60 pounds. That was a part of my body where I did NOT want to lose fat. Lol. But I guess no longer being an insulin dependent diabetic is good too.

  3. I’m 32, but I’m flat chested tho😭 I don’t think it will get saggy when I’m older. Lol

  4. When mine got bigger after each of my pregnancies. Currently still nursing the youngest at 6 months so they’ve definitely taken their toll.

  5. Dunno, I’m 31, they look pretty good and in shape imo. I’m pretty sure they were much bigger once when I still took the pill and fucked with my hormons. Lost 20 pounds after not using it anymore. That was 10 years ago and they didn’t really change anymore after that. I didn’t have children yet, don’t wear bras and do lots of light sports like dancing and yoga though. Guess that helps.

  6. I dont even know xD ever since i was young i was just growing boobs and now im DD cups. I would love for them to be perky but i finally came to terms that big boobs just sags xD

  7. Mine got saggy after I lost 100 lbs. my plan is to have a body lift and get those puppies lifted and rounded out too

  8. I’m 34, they’re still just as perky as ever, lol. I think I’m too flat to really have to worry about this.

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