I’m not proud of this, but often after way too many beers I come home, get in bed and go to sleep. Or so I think.

A lot of times I end up “feeling up” my partner, thankfully she has either woken up and got involved or told me to fuck off. Which I do.

In past relationships I’ve done the same thing but tried to have sex with her and got turned away, which I always do, but I don’t want to continue down the same road! Once I got annoyed and took myself to the sofa, feeling like a prick in the morning.

I know the obvious answer is cut down my drinking, but honestly, sometimes I’m hammered and others I’m tipsy. Any advice?

  1. Easy. I do this too but my girlfriend is drunk too when it happens and she’s fine with it. I know Not to wake the dragon if shes in a mood.

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