I’m a highschool student living in a dorm with a roommate from Vietnam.
Her calling habit is driving me insane. Just this morning, I woke up at 10am bc she was calling someone on her phone.(today was easter monday break for my school so I was planning on sleeping late)
I thought she would stop calling in a min or two but her talking on her phone went on for hours and she was still calling when I went back to my room after taking off my coffee from starbucks at 1pm.
I was basically kicked out of my room for entire day cause I just couldn’t stand her laughing and chatting loudly in Vietnamese.
This actually happened multiple times throughout school days and even though I’ve asked her to pls shorten the time calling she just won’t listen!!
And she has a weird sleep habit in which she starts eating on her bed at 12:00am, the time I’m supposed to go to bed.
I feel my temper rising whenever I hear her chewing and slurping her fcking whatever snack and just can’t concentrate on my sleep.
I’m writing this down bc my roommate again, started to chew something on her bed(it’s 12am right now jesus christ) and the chewing noise is driving me insane.
Is it right for me to have these feelings or should I just acknowledge and accept these “habits” as part of her personality?

  1. Your feelings are valid. If you can’t change rooms, get ear plugs if she’s not willing to compromise.

  2. I don’t know what the set up is where you are.

    But here bedrooms are shared and then usually there is a common room/kitchen.

    If that’s your set up I would talk to her about being a little more considerate and leaning the room for calls and eating and keeping the volume down.

    If she still doesn’t listen to you, then let her know you’ll repost her if she doesn’t start being a little more thoughtful.

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