I’ve texted some guys to yk get to know them. I got blocked bc I wouldn’t give a guy nudes. I had to block another guy bc he was making me very uncomfortable. I wouldn’t even know these people for more than an hour. I dont wanna be rude and say hey your making me uncomfortable. But why won’t they just come off just natural conversation.

Hey how are you


Hey your cute I would fuck you

Idk about other girls but I’m not with that shit. I’m sorry

  1. It’s just the dating scene, you’ll meet a lot of strange people lol, just identify the pricks early and move on. Especially if it’s online dating, it’s easy to just remove them and forget.

  2. Hi .. Because people think they can say anything they like due to the anonymity of the Internet.
    Not all guys are like that.
    Sadly …. You may have to encounter some frogs along the way in finding your Prince.

  3. It’s not rude to assert your boundaries! They are rude for being inappropriate and crass. Men take advantage of women who won’t say they are uncomfortable- it’s like saying ‘here, I’m a doormat you can just do whatever to’. I’d definitely look up boundaries and assertiveness

  4. I don’t think any girls is with that maybe the freaky ones. I’ve seen a few posts from ladies not liking the “Hey how are you” bc it is being dry. Small talk is also boring for you ladies.

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