What can be done about this dilemma? It’s annoying and exhausting trying to understand.

  1. Sounds like you’re an introvert my friend! Here are some tips my partner uses:

    a) try to make sure when you socialise you give yourself an easy out for when you have run out of energy. ‘I have an appointment’, ‘need to go home and cook dinner’ etc.
    b) do social activities that only take a certain amount of time, and allow yourself to stick to that. eg. go to the cinema and if invited to dinner afterwards by the group, give yourself the opportunity to say ‘no’.
    c) find some online community! If socialising in person is draining and not socialising at all is lonely and boring then split the difference and find a niche online 🙂 many In Person hobbies have an online aspect so you can spend quality time with your online friends IRL and then chat to them later. [edit for clarity, I specifically mean IRL communities with a strong online aspect. Not eg Reddit but eg a sports team or hobby club]

    Hope that helps!

  2. Do you hate socializing or do you hate talking about things that don’t interest you or that you are in some way faking it

  3. Sounds like you need close friends where you’re comfortable being completely yourself. Much less energy is drained (if at all) with close friends than with meeting new people.

    But you won’t be able to have close friends if you don’t put in the work to build those connections/relationships.

  4. Try an activity that requires interacting with other people without much chatting. Example: martial arts class.

  5. Go to therapy to figure out what freaks you out about socializing and causes you to overthink so much that it’s so draining

    I bet you a dollar it’s because of how you view yourself and you’re projecting that on to other people, but you also gave us so little info I might be completely wrong

  6. You’re an ambivert who is also sensitive to people’s energy. You gotta balance this or its gonna ruin your human experience. The people who drain you, you gotta limit your exposure to them and their type. They’re likely people with a negative, very limiting mindset, negative attitude/out look. They probably engage in activities and conversations that you cannot relate to and are negative. These people been zapping your energy, both mental, physical, and emotional. You’re feeding them. A lot of humans are what I call “energy vampires”.

    You’re most likely a positive, happy, interesting person with good energy. You have to figure yourself first and think what type of people excite you in a positive way and also have a calming effect on you when you’re around each other. You gotta be more around healthy, positive, nontoxic people. You gotta find your tribe. And also kinda have to be aware of where your surroundings. Or else you leave yourself wide open to whomever comes within close proximity to drain you out.

  7. I used to feel the same way. Over time, I became more comfortable being alone. I feel like I developed a better relationship with myself and now I’m usually pretty content on my own. I enjoy just doing whatever suits my fancy with the only person that understands me 😊

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