Hi guys, I’ve been with my bf for about 8 months, we recently moved in together.

Even though the relationship is happy and healthy, the issue of him falling asleep in front of the TV bothers me. I already told him that I’d love to fall asleep more often in his arms instead of sleeping alone in the bedroom, but it only seems to get worse.

I am pretty sure there are no malevolent intentions behind this behaviour, he also works full time in a pretty tiring job.

But I feel like we’re roommates?!?

I really do not want him to force to go to sleep with me, he also mentioned during the first and only time I brought the topic up, that it should not be that important if we fall asleep together or if he sneaks in at 3am.

It is rather difficult for me to decide whether my feelings of sadness (loneliness?) stem from my own insecurities (he does not love me enough to come to the bedroom with me, he prefers TV over kissing/cuddling) or if they are valid.

Dear redditors, could you please put this into perspective for me? 🙂

PS: Sometimes I tried to wake him up, inviting him to come to the bedroom with me. He then mumbles that he’s coming soon and keeps on sleeping. The next morning he’s usually apologetic.

TL;DR: Bf, 38, falls asleep in front of the TV almost everyday. Not sure if I am overreacting, but I am sad.

  1. Is it just that you’d rather go to bed at the same time, or is this affecting your seggs life?

  2. He’s 38 – as men age this becomes more of a thing to fall asleep while watching TV. It has nothing to do with you. He wants to wind down from work and it just happens – you close your eyes for a moment and next thing you know a different program is on and you missed the rest of the show you were watching. I can relate. Don’t take it personally or be sad. He loves you, but also enjoys his TV. Have you considered staying up with him?

  3. I totally get where you’re coming from. My bf sometimes falls asleep on the couch and I just fall asleep on the couch with him and when he wakes up whenever he wakes up, we go back into the room together.

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