What’s something you think that the men in your life could do better?

  1. Not just going “Oh, I’m sorry sexist things happen to you, I would never do that though” but actually helping by calling out the men who do sexist shit.

  2. Ask questions, contribute to the conversation, be a part of what’s going on instead of passively observing.

  3. Know how they feel and then communicate(sad, not heard, etc). The lack of emotional awareness from suppressionđŸ„¶đŸ€Żwild

  4. The silence. The silence from the so-called “nice guys” when their friends say or do something blatantly misogynistic. “It’s just talk.” “He’s my friend.” “You don’t know him like I do.” And all those reasons are exactly why you need to call his ass out.

  5. Notice what chores need to be done and just do them.

    TBF, my current partner has inattentive ADHD, so we’ve come to an agreement that I assign him chores and he does them. It feels shitty to be forced into the mom role, but this is a tool for us to cohabitate peacefully with his unusual brain.

  6. Listen.

    So many men I know talk over me, or just generally do not listen when I, or other women are speaking. No one wants to have a conversation with someone who is obviously not listening. This isn’t just a significant other thing either, this goes for family members and friends, coworkers, etc.

  7. Be present. I don’t expect constant accessibility, but it would be nice if they actually put some effort into being a part of my life.

  8. All the random house keeping stuff.
    You shouldn’t need to be promoted to clean your toilet, do dishes, take out the trash.
    I’m not a neat nick, I have ADHD, my house won’t be winning any Good Housekeeping Awards, I know things will just slip your mind.
    But molding dishes? Toilet turning brown? Scum ring in the shower? When you move into a place you should have a broom, toilet brush, and some garbage bags.
    I try to be compassionate incase someone grew up in a home where they really didn’t learn these things but SO MANY men will just….not think of it. It’s so prevalent it’s beyond not being taught.
    Should be talked about more, bad hygiene is bad for your health. It’s something that as an adult we should all be invested in for our own well being.

  9. not being afraid to show/talk about feelings. i know societal norms make it hard for men to feel comfortable doing this but man it really fucks with me when i have to sit and guess how a man’s feeling

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