Women who use alternative/traditional medicines, what do you use and why do you like it?

  1. Smoking weed once in a while helps me when I’m struggling with stress.

    When I’m stressed I also lose my appetite and feel food repulsed, weed helps with that too and unlike modern medicine there won’t be a ton of negative side effects.

  2. Alternative modalities get shit on a lot (usually for good reason) because some people try and substitute them for modern care and medicine – but I think there’s a middle ground for minor issues or supplementing actual medicine/treatment.

    Like, peppermint tea for mild nausea, sure, but chemotherapy for fucking cancer.

    Essential oils will not cure a disease but eucalyptus may help open up your sinuses. Also, I’ve had multiple doctors recommend things like netipots/nasal irrigation (in addition to Zyrtec lol) when just a few years ago that seemed to be considered “woo”.

    All that said, my favorites:
    – shot of aloe vera juice for acidic stomach
    – eucalyptus, netipot, and bio-electric sinus device for congestion
    – mint tea for mild nausea

  3. THC helps me with OCD, Anxiety, and even my ADHD and my arthritis pain as well….it slows everything down so I can focus better and it feels like my brain is being soothed. I have my medical card since I live in a state that only allows for that and I was able to use my arthritis pain to get it. Taking pain meds everyday is not good for you….now I Just use THC.

  4. My great grandfather was indigenous and he used to use herbs, teas and natural stuff to heal. He teached my mother in a couple of things and well, I like it also. I don’t think a tea will be a substitute for an antibiotic or a vaccine (I love that modern medicine provides us with that ), but sometimes it helps me with minor things instead of taking a medicine… or it helps with my immune system for sure as I am rarely sick… he also believed that we are what we eat and that food is the medicine and I do believe in that as well…

    I like essential oils for a couple of things (I would never drink or put it on my infected ear ) but a I do like them… ( I use it rosemary tea in my scalp with a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil for decades and now everyone is talking about how it helps with hair growth )

  5. Spearmint tea for acne + hormonal issues. I use prescription products to treat my acne, but had a derm suggest trying spearmint tea the week leading up to my period to see if it helped with acne outbreaks. There are a lot of benefits to spearmint tea (including relaxation!) and anecdotally I’ve seen some improvement in my skin.

  6. Marijuana count?

    I use it for sleep and to de stress. And it helps a lot and keeps my thoughts organized. Also helps with migraines after the initial pain part is over if I have weed it helps stimulate my appetite so I can eat again.

  7. Elderberries for immune system: I was surrounded by 5+ Covid and Upper respiratory virus outbreaks in the past 6 months, roommates and people I lived with in close quarters. I haven’t gotten sick or had symptoms even once. I tested negative during and after each exposure.

    I also take a daily multivitamin and turmeric for anti-inflammatory and pain relief. I workout 3-5 days a week and recover so much quicker than without turmeric.

    Hibiscus for liver protection, as I’m a former heavy drinker.

  8. Placebo is an amazing and beautiful thing. Regardless of how you use it. Just don’t charge anymore for it.

    Hello bottom comments! What you doing all the way down here?

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