This might seem obvious but I know several people that do this behavior. It is rude. If there’s an important text you have to answer then that’s fine, but to have a whole texting conversation shows that you aren’t considerate to the person who is spending their time with you. It’s basic decency and if you’re doing this to people it’s very off-putting.

Edit: If it’s a casual hangout with no specific plans and y’all are both chilling on your phone then that’s not bad if y’all are both doing that. I’m talking about situations where one person plans something specific like gaming together or watching a movie and the other person cares more about the phone than enjoying spending time together. I should have clarified that in the OP.

  1. Depends.
    If you are very comfortable with your friend like i am, and are just sitting next to eachother in their room, we show eachother funny stuff from our camera rolls and social media.

    Otherwise true.

    Some people use it as a crutch for their anxiety, but it ends up coming off as them ignoring everyone else.

  2. When I meet friends for a meal or drinks, my phone stays in the car. Most of those that I meet know to turn their phone off unless expecting an important call…when I say important, I mean a child is sick or a parent, not some random call that is questionably important. I’ve been know to toss money on the table and say you and your phone have dinner on me and I leave.

  3. i agree with this to an extent, but if your friends are just sitting in the same room as you, and they are on their phones too, you might as well be on your phone too, because you know that these people are only going to talk to you via text not real life in real time.

  4. When hanging out with friends, you should refrain from going on your phone because it takes away from you living in the present moment with them.

    I agree. It’s rude and devaluing their time especially if y’all are watching a movie or playing video games.

    Even if it’s a single player game and you’re watching them play. The spotlight is on them and they should have your full attention.

    You can go on social and share videos whenever you want but you can’t always spend quality time with friends doing quality things.

  5. Huge part of the reason why I broke up with my girlfriend. Just constantly on the phone, not engaging, and when she did I’d have to repeat everything.

    It’s rude, annoying, and frustrating when it happens nonstop.

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