how often do u post photos of yourself on social media?

  1. Quite rarely. The last two years maybe 3 times for the whole year. I do take pictures but I don’t have the need to post them on social media anymore.

  2. Until recently it was quite rare but now I have a job where I have to use social media as a work tool to promote my business, so I do post a few pictures every week now. But I really don’t like the fact that some “people” don’t seem to understand that my accounts are work related.

  3. 3 or 4 max. in a year? Last picture was posted 5 months ago. I only feel the need to post something when it’s a special day or if I went to a hairdresser or something. I like to share my drawings a lot more than the person that made the drawings ㅇㅡㅇ

  4. I change my profile picture on Facebook maybe once a year. No other pictures of myself get posted anywhere.

  5. Maybe twice a year? I don’t really post a lot in general because it feels like I’m trying to prove something.

  6. Usually every time I post. Took me awhile to love myself and I am proud of how I look.

  7. I never post things where the public can see them. I get too much harassment and creeps that way. I’ll post things privately for friends and relatives maybe 4 or 5 times a year.

  8. Depends on. Sometimes i go out eat a lot / do something cool and ill post it on my insta – sometimes dead silence for an undefined time

  9. I posted a lot when i was in college. Now i’ve deleted facebook and twitter. I made new account on insta which i keep secret from everyone. I also never post any selfies there.

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