I had a bad ending with a girl who decided to ghost me gradually, without telling me what was the problem. Dated for months.

I put high expectations on myself, and when I fail to accomplish, it makes it weird.

But I went to a bar, I initiated a conversation for the first time in aeons, I need to build the confidence from the ground. We chit-chatted for 5 minutes, then she left. Not a big deal.

Time is passing, I am going to dance. I danced most of the night by myself, there was a drunk girl who was acting so shallow. However, I asked her to see if she wants to dance, she gave me “no, thank you” and she proceeded to dance with her girlfriends.

All in all, kind of a fucked up night, some of the couples were kissing and I was like “well, shit.” Time to move on. But I didn’t like it. I don’t think that I am attractive enough to make someone go out with me.

  1. Kudos to you for putting yourself out there. Experience under the belt. Keep it up, keep not giving a fuck, and the odds will kick in. Good luck!

  2. My boyfriend ghosted me a month ago. I feel you man. Just have fun and let yourself heal

  3. How did you meet your last gf? Do you do online dating? Are you living in a western country? People meet in person BUT it’s less likely to happen at random meaning your chances are better if its a place you go to consistently & you see the same people there consistently.

  4. Everyone has a bad night, dude, and picking up is a numbers game at the best of times. Let it go.

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