How can one garner more respect and be heard in a room with many people ?

  1. Have great posture, speak clearly and confidently. Only make contributions that are productive. If you can be the guy that offers tangible solutions, you gain credibility and others will listen.

  2. Speak more quietly. I believe it was Prince that used to use that trick to make himself seem more interesting. He woukd speak more quietly in a crowd so those around him had to lean in closer to hear what he was saying. Admittedly he already had celeb status. If i was to do that someone would probably just shout “speak up you bellend” but worth a shot

  3. If you care about getting more respect, it’s usually not going to happen. People might not respect you because they’re bad people, but just try your best to not care because not much is gonna change them.

  4. Depends on the setting.

    Business? Speak clearly and with purpose. Make your [useful] contribution and then let others respond.

    Family and friends? Respect is earned over time through actions. To be heard just speak loudly.

  5. Like, socially? I don’t care about being “heard” in a room of people, I don’t like being the center of attention I just want to be a background character.

    If I’m trying to take command of a situation though I do have a loudspeaker voice my friends have complained to me about once or twice, even a State Trooper was saying that my voice gave me a serious command presence.

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